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I am passionate about supporting people through their journey to parenthood. Birthing might be the most sacred and vulnerable time of your life but in the right circumstances it can be the most empowering one too. It’s an honour to be so close to families during this special period and I want to be there for them in whatever shape or form they need me to be – I have no set beliefs in the best way or place to give birth and will meet every pregnant person with an open mind. I believe that everyone deserves a birth that is their choice and on their terms, and where they are treated with respect and humanity regardless of their circumstances and background. As a doula, I am there to support and protect your wishes and choices, keep you informed, make you feel safe and shelter your space. My own two childbirths were intense and wonderful experiences and I had a lovely doula attending both of them. I was inspired by what a positive difference her presence made. So now I wish to help others to have their births the best experience possible, whatever it might be for them.
















I became a doula in 2014 after having my own two children but I think deep down I have been a doula for most of my life. Coming from a journalistic background I have worked as a TV reporter and in PR and production agencies before but have never really enjoyed my time there and longed for something more profound, more helpful to mankind. Caring about and supporting comes so naturally to me that it’s hard to call it a job. But I do love this job!  However I am no mystical creature with super powers. I am an ordinary modern woman living a very regular life in North London with my husband and our kids Poppy and Jonas. I love exploring London, cooking and trying out new restaurants, exercising keeps me sane as do books, theatre, movies and gigs. I absolutely adore living in this city, even though I grew up very close to nature. Spending summers on my grandparents’ farm in the forest by the lake taught me a lot about tuning in with nature and myself. Closely following the cycles of change during different seasons has enabled me follow my own instincts, listen to myself and my body. I feel this is especially important when expecting a baby.




I am a fully qualified doula recognised by Doula UK and have completed the following courses:


  • Paramana Doula Course with Dr. Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers

  • Access to Doula UK Course with Bridget Baker

  • Doula mentorship programme with Lauren Mishcon

  • Breastfeeding Study Day with Indira Lopez-Bassols

  • Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Birth

  • Breastfeeding Support course with the Breastfeeding Network

I am also a volunteer at Birth Companions – a charity organisation helping pregnant women in vulnerable circumstances. I strongly support the charity’s belief that “every woman has the right to give birth with dignity, in a supportive environment. We believe that no woman should have to approach labour feeling that she has no one to turn to for support during the birth of her baby”.




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